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Are We in the Twilight Zone?

Just when you thought the world could get no crazier with the redefinition of marriage, now we are having a bathroom debate.

I firmly believe that common sense is enduring a slow and painful death. At first it sounded like a bad joke but the decision to protect clergy and businesses from the perversion of our culture laws are being debated.

My friend I have problems coming to grips with the idea of my granddaughter going to the restroom only to find a hairy man with a dress and a wig on in the next stall. Hollywood, the NFL and other companies are all crying alarm to what they refer to as laws that discriminate against the homosexual community. I believe it is time to draw the line in the sand, enough is enough!

Excuse me, but our identity is not in your feelings but your biology. I can't believe there is actually a need to say this, but many on the Left are living in their own invented reality and they are demanding that we live in it too. The reason we've always had separate bathrooms is because of biological sexual differences, not because of feelings or "gender identity."

How could this possibly be controversial? Are we to risk the safety of millions of women and children in public restrooms because an extremely small number of people are experiencing a mismatch between their psychology and their biology? Good public policy does not risk the physical safety of women and children so an extreme few have a preference for a different bathroom.

These new laws simply say that people will use public bathrooms that align with their biological sex as found on their birth certificate. During this upcoming election it's time for Christians to truly vote their convictions and get us out of the Twilight Zone!

Is this what America is coming to – men fighting over their “right” to use the lady’s restroom, shower with girls, enter the female dressing room, and homosexuals insisting the government be used as a hammer to force a baker to bake a cake for a gay ceremony? Preachers being jailed for preaching the gospel or refusing to perform marriage ceremonials that are contrary to Biblical principles or their belief’s?

As a former civil rights advocate in the 60’s I will not sit on the sidelines and allow liberal media and establishment politicians to distort matters of public policy. It’s time for the church to the stand for righteousness and the fight against progressive liberalism or be rolled over by LGBT agenda. Which will you choose?

Wake up church, the coffee is burning!

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