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We Are At War!

We are at War

Just a couple of weeks ago the world was rocked once again by Islamic radicals. As France now joins in the battle with Russia, the United States and others that are part of this coalition the key to winning any war is to know and understand your enemy. Although our government will not admit this is a war, it is really a battle of ideology. Beloved you can never defeat an ideology with bombs and tanks.

Although we left the nation of Iraq in the hands of their government they have to desire the type of government we have paid for with the precious blood of our soldiers and Marines. “It’s not going to go away, because we have to understand the ideology of those who are committing what we call acts of terror.” In their minds they are fulfilling the will of god and their desire to have establish a true Islamic State, in actuality “They want to establish a caliphate.”

“When you get down to it, there is a deep hatred for Christianity and Judaism.” Europe as we know it is virtually a secular state spiritually. Many of the churches have closed and there is little evidence of true Christianity present especially in their governments. We are seeing the Bible come to life right before our eyes.

The book of Ezekiel in the Old Testament shows the similarities between modern events and prophecy. In Ezekiel 38, the prophecy writes of two lands known as Gog and Magog. The prophecy is that these countries will join others, including Persia, to storm into Israel. While there isn’t anything certain that identifies the modern version of Gog, many biblical scholars hold the view that Magog is Russia. Persia is modern day Iran. So, a prophecy that links Russia with Iran is causing chatter among the faithful because of the unusual collaboration between the two countries in defeating the Islamic State and Syria rebels in Syria.

Some biblical experts also state that prophesies in Isaiah 17:1-3 and Jeremiah 49:23-27 indicates that Damascus, the capital of Syria, will be destroyed and left in a “heap of ruins.” “Wait a second, Bible student, pay attention. There’s a scenario in the book of Ezekiel 37, 38, and 39 that talks about the massive force to the north of Israel marching on her and the force is identified as Magog.” Most prophecy teachers and experts believe that Magog is modern-day Russia one of the allies that marches with Magog is Persia.”

We must pay attention to scripture that compares the last days to the days of Noah. The main point we must notice is that no one will be expecting Christ to return just as no one believed Noah when he talked of a coming flood. We are facing the most biblically illiterate culture in modern history.

Ready or not Jesus is coming back.

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